Visiter Alberobello c'est comme visiter un village de fées. Au milieu des champs d'oliviers, Alberobello est un écrin de charme. Ses petites maisons blanches aux toits pointus semblent tout droit évadées d'une des histoires de mon enfance. On s'attend presque à voir Blanche Neige à l'une de vitres, les sept nains arrivant en file indienne au bout de la rue. Les toits sont marqués de symboles blancs, primitifs, chrétiens ou en référence aux signes du zodiaque.
To visit Alberobello is like visiting a fairy village. In the middle of olive groves, Alberobello is a charming setting. The white little houses with pointed roofs look like they've escaped of one of my childhood's stories. We kind of expect to see Snow White behind a window, the dwarfs walking one behind another in the street. The roofs are marked with white primitive, christian or zodiac symbols.
En hiver, dès qu'on s'éloigne des rues touristiques, c'est vide. Il n'y a que nous et les murs blancs.
In winter, as soon as we live the touristic areas, it's empty. It's just us and the white walls.
C'est beau même sous un ciel gris. C'est magique malgré le vent. Malgré mais peut-être aussi grâce au vent qui donne au village un souffle mystique.
It's beautiful even under a grey sky. It's magical despite the wind. Despite or maybe thanks to the wind which gives the village a mystical breath.
It's beautiful even under a grey sky. It's magical despite the wind. Despite or maybe thanks to the wind which gives the village a mystical breath.
Après Alberobello, nous avons découvert Lecce. Un lundi. Nous nous sommes aperçus que le lundi, il n'y a personne. Les rues sont désertes. Alors même si on aurait aimé un peu plus d'animation, même si on aurait aimé entrer dans toutes les petites boutiques aux si jolies vitrines, on a pu admirer les façades beige de Lecce dans un silence presque religieux.
After Alberobello, we discovered Lecce. A monday. We realized that on Monday, there is noone. The streets are deserted. And even if we would have liked to see what is the atmosphere when it's animated, even if we would have liked to enter the many little stores with so lovely Windows, we could admire the beige façades of Lecce in an almost religious silence.
After Alberobello, we discovered Lecce. A monday. We realized that on Monday, there is noone. The streets are deserted. And even if we would have liked to see what is the atmosphere when it's animated, even if we would have liked to enter the many little stores with so lovely Windows, we could admire the beige façades of Lecce in an almost religious silence.
Lecce m'est apparue mystérieuse, insaisissable. Chaque pierre semble avoir une histoire à raconter. A vrai dire, c'est ainsi que j'imaginais Barcelone après avoir lu les romans de Carlos Ruis Zafon. Rien à voir en fait. Mais Lecce m'a paru avoir une âme ancienne. J'ai trouvé ses façades claires tellement belles, à la fois lumineuses et nimbées d'une aura trouble, secrète.
Lecce appeared to me as a mystery, elusive. Every stone seems to have its own story to tell. In fact, it's like this that I imagined Barcelona after reading Carlos Ruis Zafon's novels. Nothing comparable actually. But Lecce seems to have an ancient soul. I found its light façades so beautiful, both luminous and haloed with a dim, secret aura.
Lecce appeared to me as a mystery, elusive. Every stone seems to have its own story to tell. In fact, it's like this that I imagined Barcelona after reading Carlos Ruis Zafon's novels. Nothing comparable actually. But Lecce seems to have an ancient soul. I found its light façades so beautiful, both luminous and haloed with a dim, secret aura.
J'aurais aimé y passer une deuxième journée. Pour me remplir les yeux de beauté et mon esprit de silence.
I would have loved to spend another day there. To fill my eyes with beauty and my mind with silence.
I would have loved to spend another day there. To fill my eyes with beauty and my mind with silence.
Matera. Il y aurait tant de choses à dire de Matera. Je ne veux pas vous parler de celle qui va devenir la ville européenne de la culture en 2019. Je veux vous parler de la Matera que j'ai vue. Plongée dans la brume, dans une atmosphère venteuse et pluvieuse, la cité accrochée à la falaise, ciselée dans la falaise. Les constructions de l'homme se mêlent aux grottes qui existaient naguère.
Matera. There is so much to say about Matera. But I don't want to talk about the city that will become Europe capital of culture in 2019. I want to talk about the Matera I saw. In the fog, in a windy and rainy atmosphere, the city is hooked to the cliff, sculpted in the cliff. What was built by nature and what was built by human beings are so intertwined that it's hard to tell what was brought and what is left of the ancient caves.
Matera. There is so much to say about Matera. But I don't want to talk about the city that will become Europe capital of culture in 2019. I want to talk about the Matera I saw. In the fog, in a windy and rainy atmosphere, the city is hooked to the cliff, sculpted in the cliff. What was built by nature and what was built by human beings are so intertwined that it's hard to tell what was brought and what is left of the ancient caves.
La vieille ville était vide, silencieuse, déserte ou presque. Il y avait des chats, sur les toits, grimpant les rues en escaliers, se frottant sur nos jambes avant de repartir.
The old city is empty, silent, deserted or almost deserted. There were cats, on the roofs, climbing the stairs of the streets, walking between our legs.
The old city is empty, silent, deserted or almost deserted. There were cats, on the roofs, climbing the stairs of the streets, walking between our legs.
C'est drôle parce que les trois villes que j'ai visitées étaient vides quand je les ai découvertes. Il n'y faisait pas très beau. Et pourtant, la beauté des lieux vous touche. Presque plus. Ce sont des images profondes qu'on garde car ce qu'on voit a une histoire, et à un moment donné, nous sommes passés dans cette histoire. Les quelques pas que l'on a faits dans ces villes sont inscrits dans la mémoire de leurs pavés. Tout comme les pas de ceux qui sont passés avant nous, des siècles auparavant et ceux qui passeront plus tard, des siècles dans le futur, je l'espère.
It's funny because these three cities I visited were empty when I discovered them. The weather was dull. And yet, the beauty gets to your heart. Maybe even more. It's powerful images that we keep because what we see has a history, and at a moment, we were there, we were part of this history. Briefly. The few steps we made were written in the memory of the pavement. Like all the steps of those who were there before us, centuries before and those who will be there, centuries after, I hope so.
It's funny because these three cities I visited were empty when I discovered them. The weather was dull. And yet, the beauty gets to your heart. Maybe even more. It's powerful images that we keep because what we see has a history, and at a moment, we were there, we were part of this history. Briefly. The few steps we made were written in the memory of the pavement. Like all the steps of those who were there before us, centuries before and those who will be there, centuries after, I hope so.
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