Fin novembre, début décembre, j'ai pu passer quelques jours à Strasbourg avec des amis. Depuis, j'ai eu beaucoup de travail mais je tenais à vous montrer quelques photos que j'y ai prises et vous parler un peu de la ville, du marché de Noël, de ce que j'ai visité...
At the end of november, beginning of december, I spent a few days in Strasbourg with friends. Since then, I had a lot of work to do but I wanted to show you some photos I took and to tell you a bit about what I thought about the city, the Christmas Market, what I visited...
At the end of november, beginning of december, I spent a few days in Strasbourg with friends. Since then, I had a lot of work to do but I wanted to show you some photos I took and to tell you a bit about what I thought about the city, the Christmas Market, what I visited...
Strasbourg. Beaucoup m'avaient décrit Strasbourg comme une petite ville mais je n'ai pas trouvé qu'elle faisait petite ville. Sans doute car les rues sont larges, les façades alternent entre bâtiments anciens et nouveaux et tous ces immeubles sont hauts. Comme nous sommes en période de Noël, certaines façades sont décorées, parfois de façon assez impressionnante.
Nous nous sommes baladés plusieurs fois dans les rues, la nuit tombée pour admirer les illuminations et profiter du marché de Noël. Cependant, je dois dire que j'ai été déçue. Le marché de Noël de Strasbourg étant renommé, je m'attendais à une profusion de décorations et à un marché de Noël typique, proposant des produits artisanaux. En réalité, la plupart des stands n'ont rien d'original par rapport à ce qu'on peut trouver à Paris. Il y a quelques maisons de bois dispersées dans le centre-ville de Strasbourg, l'essentiel du marché se trouvant sur la place Broglie où il y a quelques stands proposant des articles plus artisanaux (je n'ai pas bien compris pourquoi le marché de Noël ne se situe pas à côté du grand sapin place Kléber car la place Broglie en elle-même n'a rien d'exceptionnel et les façades n'y sont pas particulièrement illuminées). Ce que l'on retrouve sur le marché de Noël de plus typique sont les gâteaux de Noël qui sont malheureusement souvent vendus à des prix assez prohibitifs. Mais autant certains se plaignent de la cohue, autant j'ai apprécié voir autant de monde se presser autour des petites maisons de bois illuminées tenant leur vin chaud à la main qui répandait une bonne odeur d'épices. On a vraiment l'impression à ce moment-là de respirer Noël.
Strasbourg. Some had described me Strasbourg as a small city but I think it doesn't feel like a small city. Indeed, the streets are large, there are ancient and new high façades. And as it was the Christmas period, there was a lot of people. Some façades were decorated, some were very impressive and beuatiful.
We wandered the streets, at night fall to admire the illuminations and enjoy the Christmas market. I must say I was quite disappointed. As the Christmas market of Strasbourg is well-known, I expected a lot more decorations and a typical market selling traditional products. In fact, most of the products sold are not original at all and the market isn't better than the one you find in other cities like Paris. There are some wood houses all across the city center, most of them being on place Broglie where some sell more typical products (I didn't understand why the Christmas market wasn't set next to the big tree place Kleber because place Broglie wasn't exceptional and the façades there were not very decorated). The most typical thing you find on the market are the Christmas biscuits but they are very expensive. However, although some complain about the crowd, I kinda love this atmosphere with a lot of people wandering around the little illuminated wood houses holding their glasses of mulled whine that leaves a scent of spices in the air. This really gives me the Christmas mood.
Strasbourg. Some had described me Strasbourg as a small city but I think it doesn't feel like a small city. Indeed, the streets are large, there are ancient and new high façades. And as it was the Christmas period, there was a lot of people. Some façades were decorated, some were very impressive and beuatiful.
We wandered the streets, at night fall to admire the illuminations and enjoy the Christmas market. I must say I was quite disappointed. As the Christmas market of Strasbourg is well-known, I expected a lot more decorations and a typical market selling traditional products. In fact, most of the products sold are not original at all and the market isn't better than the one you find in other cities like Paris. There are some wood houses all across the city center, most of them being on place Broglie where some sell more typical products (I didn't understand why the Christmas market wasn't set next to the big tree place Kleber because place Broglie wasn't exceptional and the façades there were not very decorated). The most typical thing you find on the market are the Christmas biscuits but they are very expensive. However, although some complain about the crowd, I kinda love this atmosphere with a lot of people wandering around the little illuminated wood houses holding their glasses of mulled whine that leaves a scent of spices in the air. This really gives me the Christmas mood.
Nous nous sommes évidemment promenés dans les rues de Strasbourg de jour également. Les premiers jours, nous avons eu un temps gris et le samedi, il y a eu du soleil. Autant, j'apprécie le ciel nuageux, autant je trouve que Strasbourg est belle quand le ciel est bleu. Il me semble que la ville perd de son charme quand il pleut et que les façades sont réellement mises en valeur sous le soleil.
Obviously, we strolled the streets of Strasbourg in the day also. The first days, the weather was dull and then, the Saturday, there was sun. As much as I like a grey sky, I must say Strasbourg is really beautiful under the sunlight. It seems the city looses its charm when it's raining and the façades need sun and a blue sky to shine.
En journée, j'ai visité le Parlement Européen de Strasbourg. La visite est gratuite, relativement rapide et intéressante. Une visite à faire car en savoir plus sur comment et où sont prises les décisions à l'échelle de l'Europe me parait important en tant que citoyenne européenne.
I visited the European Parliament of Strasbourg. It's free, quite quick and interesting. It seems an important visit to make to understand more about how and where are taken the decisions for Europe as a European Citizen.
Nous sommes ensuite passés par le parc de l'Orangerie où les merveilleuses couleurs de l'automne étaient encore présentes.
We then went to the park de l'Orangerie where the marvelous color of autumn were still there.
We then went to the park de l'Orangerie where the marvelous color of autumn were still there.
A visiter également le musée alsacien. Je n'ai malheureusement pas de photographies à vous montrer mais j'ai beaucoup aimé ce musée dont l'agencement est assez original. On se retrouve assez souvent sur des coursives donnant sur une cour intérieure avec des petits escaliers qui montent et qui descendent et qui semblent relier plusieurs maisons si bien qu'on ne sait plus où l'on se trouve par rapport à l'entrée du musée au bout d'un moment. Chaque salle du musée est consacré à un morceau de vie des alsaciens dans l'histoire avec des objets du quotidien, des costumes, etc. De plus, il y avait des panneaux consacrés au Noël en Alsace qui étaient très intéressants.
I also visited the alsacian museum. I didn't took any photos to show you but I really liked this museum whose layout is original. You find yourself in little rooms linked by narrow staircases, you sometimes get out on corridors that overlook an inner courtyard. At some point you can't say were is the street where you first entered the museum. Every room tells you about a piece of the life of alsacians through history with objects from the daily life, costumes, etc. Moreover, there a panels about Christmas in Alsace that are very interesting.
I also visited the alsacian museum. I didn't took any photos to show you but I really liked this museum whose layout is original. You find yourself in little rooms linked by narrow staircases, you sometimes get out on corridors that overlook an inner courtyard. At some point you can't say were is the street where you first entered the museum. Every room tells you about a piece of the life of alsacians through history with objects from the daily life, costumes, etc. Moreover, there a panels about Christmas in Alsace that are very interesting.
Enfin, je termine par la visite de la cathédrale de Strasbourg qui est vraiment très belle. Bien-sûr essayez de rentrer au moment où une heure de la journée sonne afin de voir les petits automates de l'horloge bouger. Mais la queue était si longue que nous avons dû revenir plus tard dans l'après-midi. La crèche de la cathédrale est vraiment superbe ! Elle est très grande et magnifique.
Finally, the Strasbourg Cathedral which is very beautiful. Of course, try to get in at the time of the day where you can see all the little automatons of the clock move. But the queue was so long I had to come back later in the afternoon. It is beautiful Inside anyway. As for the crib, it is huge and superb!
Dans les églises, j'ai également visité l'église Saint-Pierre-Le-Vieux moins monumentale mais très belle aussi et beaucoup plus calme !
Talking about churches, I also visited the church Saint-Pierre-Le-Vieux less monumental but quite beautiful and quieter!
Talking about churches, I also visited the church Saint-Pierre-Le-Vieux less monumental but quite beautiful and quieter!
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